Cottages Navarre; Mertxenea in Elcano, Navarra
Registration code as Rural House: UCR01098
Prices night. Minimum stay 2 nights.
1 Night weekend (from Friday to Sunday): €225
1 Night Weekday (Monday to Thursday): €170
1 Night JULY-AUGUST (minimun 6 nights ): €190
Extras: €50/stay for each extra bed.
Rental conditions
Rent for days of rural house with category of three stars, registration code as Rural House: UCR01098, composed of single family house and Finca in Elcano, Navarra, Calle del Rosario 9 Bajo, with right to its use and enjoyment by a maximum of 10 people:
The whole house is rented.
2 nights minimum rental.
Maximum capacity of 10 people (2 of them in extra bed).
Check-IN/hour entry: from 15 h.
Check-out/Time out: 19 h.
At check-in, the owners will teach the whole house and give the necessary instructions for the full enjoyment of it. It also gives guests a complete set of keys.
According to the 0rden of 14 February 1992 of the Ministry of the Interior, all rural tourist accommodation will take control of guest entrances and departures through the registration and parts of traveler’s tickets. Upon entry of the travellers, the forms will be duly completed and signed by them.
In addition to furniture, bathroom and kitchen equipment, crockery and other items, the property will supply in the bedrooms a set of clothes for each bed, a bath towel and a sink for each tenant. All the facilities in perfect conditions of use. On arrival you will be able to check all the elements of the house. If you find any items in bad condition, you will be notified to the property at the time of Detection.
The property will make available to the clients the operating instructions of the instruments and devices that are left at their disposal.
During the stay, the owner will be accessible at all times via mobile phone.
Customers are responsible for the proper and proper use of the House, as well as all its contents, and to keep the house properly closed in its absence.
The occupancy and enjoyment of the accommodation by the users will be made for the agreed time between the parties. However, the client’s stay may be terminated in advance, when he fails to comply with the usual rules of urbanity, hygiene or coexistence, as well as in the case where the 10 authorized accommodation places are exceeded.
The overnight stay of the guests at the establishment will have the consideration of occupancy of accommodation square for all purposes.
In the event that the clients, during the stay, decide to leave the lodging before the date previously contracted, the property will not return, in any case, the amount of the difference between the contracted stay and the one enjoyed.
For the check-out it will be arranged an hour of departure with the owner and this, if he considers it opportune and before the departure of the guests, he revises the good state of the house.
When leaving the house, it will be the obligation of the customers to return the house in the conditions of cleanliness, operation and use in which it was delivered. The cleanliness of the bedding and the towels will be for the account of the property.
Bed & Breakfast Navarra-Mertxenea
Reservations and payment
Credit card payments are not accepted.
To confirm the reservation you will be asked to pay a part of the budget or agreed price (around 20-30% of the total), usually through bank transfer. Once the admission is received the agreed dates will be reserved and the client will receive a confirmation of reservation with all the details of the stay.
The property will be able to keep the reserve active and pending confirmation, a maximum period of 5 days until the payment of the bail is received. After that period without receiving the payment, the reservation will be cancelled.
In case of withdrawal or cancellation of the reservation, if it is communicated more than 30 days before the designated for the occupation, the owner will return 100% of the amount of the deposit. If the cancellation is communicated to the rural tourist accommodation within 30 days prior to the designated occupancy, the amount received in advance or deposit shall be made available to the owner. Such penalties shall apply, provided that the cancellation of the reservation is not caused by force majeure, duly accredited.
Payment of the remaining amount of budgeted will be made upon arrival of guests or check-in.
House Rules
Pets allowed.
Smoking is not allowed inside the house.
It is forbidden to make noise and to play loud music at home and in the garden.
It is not permissible to move any decorative element or furniture of the house unless the express authorisation of the owner of it.
Rules for the use of the trampoline:
Always use under the supervision of an adult person. Barefoot before entering. Use only with socks. Maximum number of persons of 2, or maximum weight 110 kg. You are not allowed to flip or push each other. It is not allowed to play inside with a ball or ball.
Rights of the user of the rural house
Cottages Navarre
The clients will have at their disposal sheets of claims to be able to leave evidence of possible complaints.
In accordance with the provisions of article 6 of Law 48/1963 of 8 July on tourism competition, the relations established between the owners of rural houses and their clients shall be governed by the rules of common law applicable to them.
The user of the rural tourist accommodation that understands violated their rights or deficiently attended in the establishment may urge the effective procedures in their defense, provided in law 26/1984, of 19 July, General for the defense of the Consumers and other standards that develop it.
Infringements of the provisions of this Foral decree shall be processed and sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of law foral 14/1997, of 17 November, of tourist discipline.
All the conditions for reservation and rental exhibited on this website are consistent and are subject to the decree Foral 243/1999 of 28 June, which regulates the accommodation in rural houses in Navarra (Official Gazette of Navarra 23 August 1,999)
download DECRETO FORAL 243-1999 PDF 585kb
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Self catering holiday rentals Navarra-Mertxenea in Elcano
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Self catering holiday rentals Navarra-Mertxenea in Elcano
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